Simple Analytics

View historical data
Count SL traffic
Free of charge
Second Life parcel traffic analysis
using Google Analytics
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About Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a powerful platform to analyze website traffic. It allows viewing real-time and historical data, match periods, compare returning and new visitors.
Second Life traffic in Google Analytics
Following images show an example of Second Life traffic displayed in Google Analytics. You can view real-time visit data, historical data and various statistics.
Real time

View visitors of your parcels in real time (note: geo data is not available yet)
Whole picture

Select any historical period and view visitor data collected
Compare data

Data can be compared to any previous period, giving you the trends
Who is SimpAnalytics for?
Even if you own a parcel in Second Life for fun, it is nice to know your traffic
Young ventures
Analyze your visitors to extend your business skills and start a professional way
Traffic analysis is essential for any Second Life business, including historical data
Click to view setup demo
Simple Analytics account creation and setup
We help you working with data:
  • Get to know the number of your visitors
    Easily start collecting statistics by rezzing an in-world tracker on your parcel. View data in Google Analytics interface, in a professional way.
  • Check historical data and compare
    Google Analytics keeps your historical data life-time. You can compare day-to-day, month-to-month or yearly statistics.
  • Track important changes affecting your business
    Google Analytics allows adding notes to any date. You can mark significant changes and events and see how do they affect your traffic flow.
Brought to you by creators of SmartBots
We are the SmartBots development team, with a company's CEO Glaznah Gassner. We are working in Second Life since 2009 running multiple ventures: from pocket-size tools to grid-wide services.

Each of our project requires a careful analysis of the traffic flow and behavior. Simple Analytics (or SimpAnalytics) has been designed as an in-house solution for our company's own Second Life projects.

SimpAnalytics turned to a powerful but easy tool so we decided to let every SL business owner use its benefits.

Google Analytics is free, and SimpAnalytics is provided free-of-charge too.
FREE life-time. No catch.
SimpAnalytics is really life-time free
We use SL-to-Google-Analytics service for our Second Life projects for years. During these years we are maintaining and keeping it running.

In 2017 we've added a handy web interface and made service public.
Create a free account
All you need is a Second Life account